How to Maintain Wellness Over Christmas


Just because it’s the silly season doesn’t mean you need to be feeling silly come January 1. Wellness is a broad term that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social health. These dimensions are overlapping and ever-changing throughout our life, with different aspects holding more importance at certain periods in our lives. Each person interprets these areas differently and just one of these components being out of balance can shift your whole perspective and outlook of how you’re feeling. Especially at one of the busiest times of the year, it’s important to maintain balance and nurture yourself after whatever kind of year you’ve had.

Christmas can be one of the most exciting, stressful, exhausting and joyful times of the year. Whether you’re spending time with family, unable to be with your loved ones, going to eight different Christmas events in one day or even working on Christmas Day it can be a whirlwind of emotions and feelings. So in light of that, we have come up with a few simple ways to maintain your wellness over the Christmas period and start 2022 feeling great!

Leave Time To Unwind

By the end of the year, between juggling multiple social events and preparing for Christmas it’s very normal to be exhausted both physically and mentally. As tempting as it is to fill up your spare time catching up with loved ones, shopping, cooking or going to events, it’s important to ensure you give yourself some time to unwind. Resting doesn’t have to mean a few extra hours of sleep (even though this is sometimes exactly what we need), it could be sitting down to read a book, meditating outside, taking a bath or doing some light stretches. Whatever resting means to you, it can greatly improve your energy levels, leave you feeling calmer and will help you start off 2022 feeling rested and recharged.

Enjoy Whilst Having Balance

Drinking enough water and eating well can have the most significant impact on how you’re feeling. It’s all too easy to overindulge in the delicious food (and wine) that comes along with Christmas and end of year celebrations, however some small and meaningful changes can make a world of difference. The current recommendations suggest we should be consuming 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit each day, which only 5% of the Australian population are achieving. Increasing your fruit and vegetables around the Christmas period will ensure you’re still providing your body with essential vitamins and minerals to support your immune system. Our Alkalising Greens® is an advanced multi-mineral formula that helps to neutralise your body’s daily acid production along with 19+ greens, fruits and vegetables to help boost your daily intake. Most of us overeat acid-forming foods such as dairy, meat, grains and salt around this time which causes an excess in dietary acid load causing us to feel fatigued and sluggish. Our Alkalising Greens® makes it super easy to stay on top of your game and will help you save your precious time for more important things.

Stay Hydrated

Just as importantly, if not more so, keeping up our water intake over the Christmas holidays can greatly influence our general wellbeing. Water supports nearly every bodily function including the formation of blood, urine, sweat and aiding digestion. The perfect amount our body requires depends on various factors, however most adults need around 2.5 to 3 litres per day. Drinking sufficient amounts of water will not only help your body’s systems perform optimally but your recovery after a big day of eating and drinking will be minimal. If you struggle to meet your daily water intake, our Calm Berry Beauty Water is not only packed with nutrients and antioxidants but has a light berry flavour which makes drinking water EASY and enjoyable!

Keep Active

Exercising or just purely moving your body can provide endless benefits. The body releases ‘feel good hormones’ AKA endorphins when you exercise which act to increase feelings of happiness and well-being as well as reducing pain and discomfort. The long-term effects of exercising are endless, not only does it improve mental health, it strengthens your muscles and bones, decreases your risk of disease and increases your chance of living longer (YAY, more Christmas’). If you’re new to exercising, beginning can be daunting. Start by aiming for 15 minutes a day and slowly increase to 30 minutes each day. Even better, find a friend to exercise with!

Reflect and Be Proud of Yourself

Looking after your mental health is imperative around the holiday season. With the state of the world at the moment it can be easy to focus on what may have been postponed this year. Take the time to sit down and reflect on all the amazing things you DID accomplish! Christmas is always such a busy period so taking some time out to acknowledge what you are grateful for can put everything into perspective. Whether it be just spending time with your loved ones (animals included) or taking a risk that paid off, I can guarantee you achieved more than you think you did! While you’re here, take some time to set some goals for 2022. No matter how small, goals can keep you accountable and give you something to look forward to and work towards.

As you can see, wellness is multifaceted and there are so many segments that require an extra bit of nurturing around the festive season. Making slight changes can make a world of difference and you’ll start the New Year feeling better than ever! Don’t forget to take the pressure off yourself to be perfect around this time, your body and mind deserve a decent break and will thank you for it when you start 2022 off feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Our Morlife family would love to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout this year and can’t wait to surprise you with all our new and exciting ideas in the New Year! 


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